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Transforming well being and team engagement at the workplace through team sports and activities.

About the project:
Teamyard is a platform that provide enterprises with the intrastructure to allow people at work to connect, get more active and engage in more natural ways, with a focus on tacking health wellbeing, loneliness and mantal wellness.


- Explore and Build Community
- Improving employee well-being
- More than 100+ activities


Benefits for companies:
- Increase and track employees enggagement.
- Improve employees wellbeing and mental wellness.
- Improve productivity and morale Dashboard reporting.
- Increase retention and reduce attrition.
- Encourage employees to be more active and do more activities.
- A benefit that matters to employees.


Benefits for employees:
- Join or create unlimited number of events.
- Find colleagues with similar interest.
- Search, find venues and facilities.
- Track your engagements.
- Dashboard reporting.